Personal Trainer, Fitness Trainer, Online Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach



Zach discovered his love for coaching in his first years of college, and pursued that path to a degree in Fitness Training.  He’s been coaching folks of all stripes since 2016, with an emphasis on bringing strength and freedom of movement to folks with a history of injury or limitation.  He believes that movement is for everyone; that your body should never hold you back; and that a trainer and client should be partners working toward the common goal of living better lives.

If you’re anxious about starting out in fitness, whether it be from lack of experience, a history of setbacks and hurdles, or any other reason, Zach sees it as his job to make the gym an approachable place, and set you up for a new record of success.  He’ll work with you to make sure that every workout you do, in the gym or at home, is tailored to your body and your needs.

Zach is currently a student at Portland State, studying toward a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree.  He spends his free time watching movies, playing games, and relaxing with his family.