Inside Vive Fitness

Vive Fitness Spotlight: Evan Supanich


Co-Owner, Personal Trainer



Notorious for dressing in the latest Lululemon apparel, Evan’s expertise extends far beyond looking the part. The first person in the door and the last person to leave, Evan has a contagious passion for fitness and the creativity to back it up— constantly reinventing his workout design, checking in with his clients daily, and mentoring new and prospective trainers. On weekends, you’ll find Evan hiking Dog Mountain with his shiba inu Samurai or cheering on the Michigan State Spartans. 

Favorite high-end dining spot: Ox for skirt steak—yum. 

The ultimate hike: Cascade Head Trail near Lincoln City on a clear day. 

Go-to cocktail: Whiskey and Pok Pok drinking vinegar with a splash of club soda. 

Vive Fitness Spotlight: Laura Devine


Co-Owner, Personal Trainer


A former collegiate XC/ track athlete and current competitor, Laura is a runner to her core. While you will most likely hear the latest track-geek stats (and tales of toddler motherhood) between sets, no mileage will be forced on you. A personal trainer since 2004, Laura pulls from her extensive fitness knowledge and experience to create an effective training plan unique to each client. At the heart of Laura’s training philosophy is the belief that fitness can enhance anyone’s wellbeing and act as a key component to leading a happy and balanced life.

How do you unwind after work? Family dance party in our kitchen.

Favorite Portland bridge? Hawthorne. I love the constant flow of activity over, under and around this bridge.

The ultimate indulgence: Ruby Jewel dark chocolate salted caramel ice cream.

Vive Fitness Spotlight: Nathan Towry


Personal Trainer


Around the gym, he's typically cracking a joke, or playing a prank, but don't be misled.  Nathan takes each client's fitness journey seriously. A personal trainer since 2001, Nathan focuses his approach to help his clients reach their goals.  With the certification Corrective Exercise Science from NASM, Nathan believes those with an injury or physical limitation can often continue to exercise and realize their goals through modification and mindful practice.  

Nathan also spent time in Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Peru, earning 170 hours toward his 200-hour Yoga Alliance Teacher certification.  

When he's not in the gym you will most likely find Nathan surfing, hiking the Columbia River Gorge, practicing yoga or in conversation over a beer in one of Portland's many brewpubs.

Best brew: Gt's Kombucha 

Favorite meal: Super spicy guacamole, seriously. 

Ideal vacation: Baja Mexico. Swell pulsing shoulder to head high, no electricity, trading the locals cases of Budweiser for fresh lobster. 

Vive Fitness Spotlight: Mathew Rouches


Personal Trainer


Personal Trainer and NPC Physique Athlete.  Mathew moved to Portland in 2009 for culinary school.  Upon finishing his Associates in Culinary Art he pursed his career as a chef in Las Vegas.  While in Vegas, as a hobby, he was very active in the gym helping athletes with strength and conditioning in their off seasons.

Looking for a change he moved back to Portland in 2012 where became certified as a personal trainer.  8 months after becoming certified, he set a new goal for himself and decided to do a Physique competition.  He realized his goal a short time later and was on stage by October 0f 2013.  As of December of 2014 he is hooked and is now prepping for his 4th competition.  

Dieting and competing has helped Mathew put all his skills to good use - not only for himself, but for those he trains and coaches. 

The news or cartoons? News

Watching sports at a bar or man cave? Man Cave

Three ingredients to make a dinner successful? 1: Salt and pepper. 2: Garlic. 3: Olive oil. 


Vive Fitness Spotlight: Evan Zener


Personal Trainer



As Vive’s young gun, Evan was unjustly nicknamed “Little Evan”. Take one look at his overhead lunges and bent-over rows, and you’ll quickly learn there’s nothing little about him. This Portland-native packs a punch—inside and outside of the gym. As a Master Scuba Diver, Evan takes his passion for health and fitness outdoors, dabbling in spear fishing and planning to get his “A” license through Sky Dive Oregon to jump solo this summer.

Favorite Sandwich in town: The Philly Steak at Taste Tickler

Best Halloween costume: In 2011, when I was Leonidus from 300

Favorite Portland bridge: The Broadway—I don't know why, but I love that bridge