Evan Supanich

Body Weight Workout

This workout is designed for that disciplined individual who never wants to miss a workout - regardless of available equipment.   


1. Incline / Regular / Decline Push Ups (3 Sets / 10-30 Reps)

Jumping Jacks (3 Sets / 45S - 1M)

2. Step Back Lunges / SL Squats (3 Sets / 10 Reps*)

Line Hops (3 Sets / 45S - 1 M)

3. Leg Raises / Leg Circles (3 Sets / 20-40 Seconds*)

Mountain Climbers  (3 Sets / 30S - 1M)

4. Single-Leg Dead Lift / With “Pop Step” (3 Sets / 8-12 Reps*

Russian Twists (3 Sets / 20 Seconds - 1 Minute)

5. Burpies (3 Sets / 10-20 Reps)

Plank (3 Sets / 30 Seconds - 1 Minute)

6. Triceps Dips (3 Sets / 10-25 Reps)

Side Plank (30s – 1m)

* = Each Side


Youtube links are available above on some exercises.

Special thanks to Brian Worthy (Practically Fit PDX), for helping me assembly this idea worth implementing. 

For additional help email info@ViveFitnessPDX.com


                                Evan Supanich 

            Co-Owner/Personal Trainer 

                                    Vive Fitness 

                        4023 NE Hancock St

                           Portland OR, 97212

                Instagram: Vivefitnesspdx

Evan's Kick-Ass Green Smoothie Recipe

Health and Vitality 

Green smoothie's are almost always synonymous with great health, energy, vitality & general kick assery-- and theres a reason for this.  Green smoothies are usually PACKED with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, antioxidants,  phytochemical's & flavonoids (if those last couple terms lost you shoot me an email and i'd be happy to explain!).

Green smoothies are in general healthier than fruit or vegetable juices.  Aside from you making your smoothie FRESH, juicing reduces the amount of vitamins & minerals available plus extracts ALL fiber!  In addition, most store bought juices are void of enzymes that can help make a HEALTHIER you!

Ingredients / Recipe



Excellent source of: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B Complex, Copper, Manganese. Iron, dietary fiber, Calcium, potassium, vitamin E, vitamin B2, iron, magnesium, vitamin B1, Omega-3 Fatty Acids / Fiber / Folate / Niacin / Digestion




Antioxidants / Good source of vitamins A, B2, C and K / Contains Magnesium, Manganese, Folate, Iron, Calcium and Potassium.



(3 small chunks)

Immune System Support / Awesome source of Vitamin C / Bone strength / Eye health / Awesome source of Vitamin C / Digestion / Anti-Inflammatory benefits.



(.5", cut from root)

Reduces pain and inflammation / Helps managing arthritis, headaches & menstrual cramps / Warming effect and stimulates circulation / Inhibits rhinovirus, which can cause the common cold / It inhibits such bacteria as Salmonella, which cause diarrhea, and protozoa, such as Trichomonas / Reduces gas and painful spasms.


Greek Yogurt 

(1 TBSP)

Great Source of protein / Probiotics / B-12 / Good Source Potassium  




Antioxidants / Phytochemical's / Phenolics / Flavonoids / Carotenoids 

*All of which may play a key role in fighting some chronic diseases according to a study published in the May 2004 issue of "Nutrition Journal

In addition, people who regularly consume apples have a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease, asthma, diabetes and some forms of cancer. 



Give this recipe a try and if you feel it's health benefits as much as I do please give it a share on social media or leave a comment in section below! 


                                 Evan Supanich 

            Co-Owner/Personal Trainer 

                                    Vive Fitness 

                        4023 NE Hancock St

                           Portland OR, 97212

                Instagram: Vivefitnesspdx

"Rise & Grind" (Morning Shot Recipe)


RISE AND GRIND (Health Shot)

The "Rise & Grind" shot is one bad mother... especially during the cold and flu season!  This guy will awaking your sense almost immediately and thats just where it starts.  It's ingredients also have a whole plethora (yeah, plethora, cause I have the best words) of health benefits.   

So to get straight to down to it and to the point, below I've listed the ingredients, amounts needed, followed by their known health benefits.



(1", cut from root)

Anti-Inflammatory / Powerful Antioxidant / Boosts Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Linked to Improved Brain Function and a Lower Risk of Brain Diseases / Shown to help prevent Alzheimers and combat Arthritis /  Shown benefits toward improving depressio 



(.5", cut from root)

Reduces pain and inflammation / Helps managing arthritis, headaches & menstrual cramps / Warming effect and stimulates circulation / Inhibits rhinovirus, which can cause the common cold / It inhibits such bacteria as Salmonella, which cause diarrhea, and protozoa, such as Trichomonas / Reduces gas and painful spasms.



(1/4 lemon, peeled)

Loaded with Vitamin C / Flavonoids, B-complex Vitamins / Calcium / Copper / Iron / Magnesium / Phosphorus / Potassium / Fiber.



(2 tbsp)

Helps Heartburn and Acid Reflux / Promotes Healthy Cholesterol / Aids in Healthy Weight Loss / Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar / Has Antioxidant Properties / Improves Nutrient Absorption.



(Dash of)

Helps Digestion / Relieves migraine pain / prevents blood clots / Provides detox support / Relieves join and nerve pain / Supports weight loss / Works as Anti-Irritant / Fights cold and flu / Anti-Fungal properties 




Antioxidants / Phytochemical's / Phenolics / Flavonoids / Carotenoids 

*All of which may play a key role in fighting some chronic diseases according to a study published in the May 2004 issue of "Nutrition Journal

In addition, people who regularly consume apples have a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease, asthma, diabetes and some forms of cancer. 


Give this recipe a try and if you feel it's health benefits as much as I do please give it a share on social media or leave a comment in section below! 

                                 Evan Supanich 

            Co-Owner/Personal Trainer 

                                    Vive Fitness 

                        4023 NE Hancock St

                           Portland OR, 97212

                Instagram: Vivefitnesspdx



Portland Outdoor Workouts: "Urban Monster"

The "Urban Monster" Workout


Begin by running starts on 43rd, 41st, then 38th - Once at the top follow route to 32nd Place and completing hills from 32nd place - 29th Ave.

*Reverse route for a change of pace. 

The Stairs ("Sisters Workout"):

The 5 Hills ("The Fremont Hills")



This workout can be beastly - especially if you are just getting back in the swing of things! 

Pace yourself.  Bring water.  Be aware of excessive heat conditions. Invite a friend!


Like all workouts I bring into play, this is YOUR workout!  

Go at your own place.  

As this is a specific activity start slow and work your way up!  Don't feel like you need to complete the entire route the first time you head out.  

As long as you are consistent in preforming this workout I promise it will get easier and easier and your place will get faster and faster! 




                                Evan Supanich 

            Co-Owner/Personal Trainer 

                                    Vive Fitness 

                        4023 NE Hancock St

                           Portland OR, 97212

                Instagram: Vivefitnesspdx