
Body Weight Workout

This workout is designed for that disciplined individual who never wants to miss a workout - regardless of available equipment.   


1. Incline / Regular / Decline Push Ups (3 Sets / 10-30 Reps)

Jumping Jacks (3 Sets / 45S - 1M)

2. Step Back Lunges / SL Squats (3 Sets / 10 Reps*)

Line Hops (3 Sets / 45S - 1 M)

3. Leg Raises / Leg Circles (3 Sets / 20-40 Seconds*)

Mountain Climbers  (3 Sets / 30S - 1M)

4. Single-Leg Dead Lift / With “Pop Step” (3 Sets / 8-12 Reps*

Russian Twists (3 Sets / 20 Seconds - 1 Minute)

5. Burpies (3 Sets / 10-20 Reps)

Plank (3 Sets / 30 Seconds - 1 Minute)

6. Triceps Dips (3 Sets / 10-25 Reps)

Side Plank (30s – 1m)

* = Each Side


Youtube links are available above on some exercises.

Special thanks to Brian Worthy (Practically Fit PDX), for helping me assembly this idea worth implementing. 

For additional help email


                                Evan Supanich 

            Co-Owner/Personal Trainer 

                                    Vive Fitness 

                        4023 NE Hancock St

                           Portland OR, 97212

                Instagram: Vivefitnesspdx

Portland Outdoor Workouts: "Urban Monster"

The "Urban Monster" Workout


Begin by running starts on 43rd, 41st, then 38th - Once at the top follow route to 32nd Place and completing hills from 32nd place - 29th Ave.

*Reverse route for a change of pace. 

The Stairs ("Sisters Workout"):

The 5 Hills ("The Fremont Hills")



This workout can be beastly - especially if you are just getting back in the swing of things! 

Pace yourself.  Bring water.  Be aware of excessive heat conditions. Invite a friend!


Like all workouts I bring into play, this is YOUR workout!  

Go at your own place.  

As this is a specific activity start slow and work your way up!  Don't feel like you need to complete the entire route the first time you head out.  

As long as you are consistent in preforming this workout I promise it will get easier and easier and your place will get faster and faster! 




                                Evan Supanich 

            Co-Owner/Personal Trainer 

                                    Vive Fitness 

                        4023 NE Hancock St

                           Portland OR, 97212

                Instagram: Vivefitnesspdx

Portland Outdoor Workouts (Track Workout)

Grant High School City Track

Track Workouts

Running is incredibly accessible and affordable. Whatever your fitness goal, from running faster to overall fitness, mixing a running workout into your weekly schedule can bring benefits.


Straights & Curves

Who?  Beginners, Run-walkers, Pre-race

Where?  Preferably a track, but any loop would work

What?  Run intervals are the long sides of the track, rest is around the curve.

Why?  Increasing cardiovascular endurance is all about work-recover-repeat. You teach your body to recover. Beccause the distance of the work (Straight side of the track) is relatively short, it is possible for intensity to be higher than a regular neighborhood run.


Quarters, 400m Repeats

Who?  Anyone

Where?  Track or marked path

What?  400m (or one lap) at a particular pace or effort level. Rest then repeat, repeat, repeat!

Why?  Pace comes into play with this one, which allows you to track progess more measurably and keeps you honest about recovery time. Increasing volume (number of 400s) or increasing pace are ways to progress fitness over time. Variables in volume, intensity and rest are specific for different goals. A trainer or coach can direct you to modify for optimal results.


BONUS: Fartlek

No track is needed for this workout. It is incredibly versatile with location, personal ability level and all modifiable. That said, going into a workout with a plan, rather than a nebulous thought prepare you much better to actually conquer the training session.

Who?  Anyone

Where?  Anywhere. Preferably not too busy roads due to not wanting to have a work interval interrupted

What?  Work-recover. For most seasoned runners, this looks like fast pace - normal (but not slow) pace. New runners can go to a run-walk to build fitness.

Why?  Great way for friends or teammates of different paces to still run together.  Very adaptable for specific goals. The stress of hitting time can be left behind for a more organic hard effort experience.



Evan Supanich & Laura Devine

Co-Owners / Personal Trainers

 Vive Fitness

4023 NE Hancock St.

Portland OR, 97212

 Instagram: Vivefitnesspdx

Vive Fitness Trail Report (Mt Thielsen 8-6-2015)

*Click to change photo


  1. Vive Fitness Nike Dry Fit 
  2. Shorts 
  3. Sunglasses 
  4. Trail Shoes (Merrel)
  5. Light Zip-up Hoodie (Nike)
  6. Lululemon Cruiser Backpack


  1. Vive Fitness Nike Dry Fit
  2. Lululemon Fleece 
  3. Mid-shin yoga tights 
  4. Cross trainer shoes 

Notes: Good choice of clothing - We set out on the trail around 8am and we were very comfortable the whole way up.  We ended up removing our jackets around mile 2 of the hike.  As midmorning turned to late morning the sun shined down pretty hot - So for an early departure time a jacket or something of the like is definitely recommended, but you will most likely end up removing additional layers! 



  1. Back pack 
  2. 2.5 liters of water
  3. 20oz container of Gatorade 
  4. Trail snacks (
    1. 1 pack gummy bears
    2.  2 protein Bars
  5. Iphones (For Photos)
  6. Sun Screen (Sweat and high altitude make you more susceptible to sun burn)

Notes: Trail supplies were more than sufficient. 



  • About 4.8 hours transit time (238 Miles from Portland)
  • Stayed over night at Diamond Lake to get use to the elevation change and prepare for accent. 
  • Arrived at Mt. Thielsen (Direct Route) parking lot around 8am on a Thursday morning - Parking lot had 1 other car parked within it. 
  • The hike is about 5 miles to the top. 
  • Trail was dry and solid for the first 3.5 miles up.  
  • The last 1.5 miles the trails integrity gets worse - it becomes fairly sandy with footing occasionally not entirely stable. 
  • Trail did becomes quite narrow toward the top.  
  • The view from the near top is incredible.  at around 9,200 thousand ft the views are out standing! 

Notes: We strongly recommend this hike only to conditioned, seasoned hikers.  We would classify this hike as an expert level hike or very challenging! 

Bosu Ball Workout

Step up the intensity of your workout in a fun and interesting way.  

Vive's "Bosu Ball workout" will help you break away from the mundane while burning through calories!

Check the video below and as always comments, likes, and shares are encouraged! 

Thanks for watching!

***Not sure what a Bosu ball is or perhaps you just need a bit more info?  Check out Bosu's website: